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 Revision for the first term

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/01/2010

Revision for the first term Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Revision for the first term   Revision for the first term Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 20 يناير 2010 - 9:40

Choose the right words

1- He doesn't like to talk to people . He suffers from …………..
( slave – Autism – memories – mute )
2- My mother is the ………….. of the family .
( brain – mind - minds – brains )
3- I haven't decided what to do yet . I'm …………..
( brain storm – in two minds – make up your mind- brain child )
4- I know what you are thinking of . I can ………….. your mind .
( speak – keep – pick - read )
5- Don't be shy ………….. your mind
(speak – keep – pick – read )
6- I always ………….. a lot of ideas before writing an English-composition.
( brain child – brain wave – brain storm- -brain )
7- I don't want to go to the party . I …………..
( slipped my mind – read your mind – kept it in mind – changed my mind )
8- I built the machine . But it was Steve who had the idea . It's his …………..
( brain wave – brain child - brain storm – brains )
9- I've had a ………….. why don't we give Mostafa a ring and go to the cinema ?
( brains – brain child – brain wave – brain storm )
10- Why don't you pick your sister ………….. She's good at English ?
( mind – brains – mind – child )
11- At the age of three , she was ………….. she couldn't speak .
(mystery – mute – perform –challenge )
12- When was your last ………….. ?
(check in –check up – check out – check down )
13- A ………….. is a person who operates on patients .
( doctor – dentist – surgeon – painkiller )
14- My parents are always talking about the past . They are …………..
( nostalgic – guilty –jealous – sorry )
15 – People who work abroad for a long time . They are …………
(panicky – nostalgic – jealous – homesick )
16- He is always afraid of high buildings . He is……………….
( panicky – confident – jealous – inattentive )
17- He always forgets to take his sunglasses . He is …………..
( homesick – absent minded – nostalgic – guilty )
18- A lot of research ………….. on cancer .
( has done – was done – were done – have been done )
19- The player was given a red card . The referee …………..
( sent him off – put him off – took him off – got him on )
20- Football is played in a …………..
(court – pitch – course – ring )
21- Tennis is played in a …………..
(court – pitch – course – ring )
22- The boxer gave his opponent a strong blow . He threw him out of the ……….
( rink – ring – court –course )
23- Ice Hockey is played in a …………..
( rink – ring – court –course )
24- Peter is the man ………….. father rescued us last month .
(who – whose – where – which )
25- I think you should ………….. and go on holiday .
( take your time – take time off – give hard time – spend time on )
26- I'm not in a hurry , …………..
( waste your time – run out of time – take your time –time off )
27- Look at the clock . I'm not late . I'm exactly ………….. time
( in – on –out of – at )
28- He refused ………….. for his ticket .
( paying – to paying – to pay – paying )
29- The teacher ………….. her to join the competition
( encouraged – suggested – claimed – refused )
30- He is always losing and forgetting things . He is …………..
(sympathetic – pushy – bubbly – scatty)
31- Don't be so ………….. and behave yourself .
( checky – careless – intellectual- smug )
32- He goes to the gym every day . He is a really …………..
( bubbly – careless – shallow- scruffy )
33- They organized the party ………….. secret.
( on – in – for – by )
34- All my friends were very ………….. when they heard about my accident .
( sympathetic – smug – charmed – scatty )

35- Jamal's really happy to be with James . He finds him quite …………..
( shallow - charming – pushy – cheeky )
36- I love reading , and my friends know it . They often say I'm the ………….. type
( hypocritical – bubby – smug – intellectual )
37- She is really clever and she always gets the highest marks but I wish she wasn't so ………………
( smug – bubbly – witty – intelligent )
38- His speech made everyone laugh and we all liked what he said . He is such a ……………. person .
( witty – pushy – pretentious – scatty )
39- He knows a great deal about art , but he's never ………….. about it .
( sympathetic – pretentious – scatty – scruffy )
40- The shop assistant was so ………….. She tried to make us buy things we didn't want .
( pushy – intellectual - shallow - hypocritical )
41- He's the most ………….. person I know . He always tells others what they shouldn't eat , but he eats lots of junk food himself .
( intellectual – smug- sympathetic – hypocritical )
42- She nearly stopped ………….. altogether
( swim – swam – swimming – to swim )
43- I ………….. feed my cat every morning .
( use to – use – used to – am using )
44- I did my homework ………….. difficulty .
( in – on – with – by )
45- When you do a job , you shouldn't do it …………..
( properly – struggled – half-heartedly - lengths )
46- It's ………….. to listen to her ideas .
( interested – uninterested – interest – interesting )

20.000 Leagues : from Ch.1 to Ch.7
1- Why were people in Europe and America very worried and frightened in 1866 ?
2- Who was Pierre Aronnax ? Who was Conseil ?
3- What was the Abraham Lincoln ? Who was Commander Farragut ?
4- What do you know about Ned Land ? What did he think of the sea monster ?
5- Describe the Sailors' feeling when the sea monster didn't appear?
6- What would Farragut do if the sea monster didn't appear in 3 days' time ?
7- Who saved Pierre's life ? What happened to Ned Land ?
8- What do you know about Captain Nemo ?
9- How was Captain Nemo a very contradicted man ?
10- How could Captain Nemo get electricity ? What did he use it for ?
11- How was the Nautilus constructed ( built ) secretly ?
12- Why did Pierre think that Captain Nemo got mad ?
13- What was the sad sight that Pierre and Conseil saw under the sea ?
14- Why was the Nautilus stranded ?
15- How could Nautilus float again ?
16- How could Captain Nemo defend the Nautilus?
17- Why did Pierre and his friends fall into a deep sleep ?
18- Where did Nemo decide to bury the dead man ? Why ?
19- How was captain Nemo Cool and Calm in the difficult situations ?

20.000 Leagues
1- " If Monsieur goes , I will go ."
2- " I have haunted hundreds of them and killed them by dozens. "
3- " No, It is evidently a gigantic narwhal , but also an electric one ."
4- " Leave Monsieur ! Never . I'm happy to drown before him ."
5- " I was fortunate to get upon a floating island ."
6- " To escape from a prison on land is difficult , but to get out of a submarine prison appears to me impossible ."
7- " I've broken with the world completely . I obey no laws ."
8- " You are my prisoners of war ."
9- " The sea is everything . It cover seven – tenths of the world ."
10- " You've discovered what men will someday discover ."
11- " Take my advice and stop thinking about escape ."
12- " You should never judge men quickly. "
13- " I have no more questions , where you go I go ."
14- " Savages ! Are you astonished at meeting savages any where on the earth ?"
15- "You and your companions must be imprisoned for a short time ."

All My Sonns : Act I
1-What do you Know about Joe Keller ?
2- What was the story of the blown tree ?
3- What mistake did Chris and his father make against Kate ?
4- What was Frank doing for Larry?
5- What was meant by the favourable day ?
6- Who was Ann ? Who was George ?
7- What was Kate's dream ?
8- What were the things that reminded Kate of Larry ?
9- What did she threaten to do if Larry didn't come back ?
10- How was Chris different from his father ?
11- Why did Mother refuse Ann's marriage to Chris ?
12- How did people meet Joe when he got at of court ?
13- What offer did Keller want Ann to tell her father ?
14- What crime was steve accused of committing ?
15- Why did George and Ann stop visiting their father in prison ?
16- How did Joe try to defend Steve ?
17- What was Chris ashamed of ?
18- Why was Kate surprised when she knew that George had visited his father ?
19- Why did Joe get worried when he knew that George would come ?
20- What did Joe promise to do for his son Chris ?
21- How did Chris try to tell his mother that Larry was dead ?
22- What did Chris threaten to do if his mother didn't accept his marriage to Ann ?

My Sons : Act
1- " Larry was born in August . He'd been twenty –seven this month."
2- " Well , a favourable day for a person is a fortunate day according to his stars ."
3- " She thinks he's coming back . You marry that girl and you're pronouncing him dead ."
4- " For God's sake , three years . Nobody comes back after three years . It's insane."
5- " We've made a terrible mistake with Mother , being dishonest with her ."
6- " I want a family . I want some kids . I want to build something I can give myself to ."
7- " I'll get out . I'll get married and live some place else . "
8- " We never took up our lives again . We're like at railroad station waiting for a train that never comes in ."
9- " I'll bet you money that you're the only woman in the country who after three years is still…………."
10- "The man was a fool , but don't make a murderer out of him ."
11- " To his last day in court the man blamed it all on me ."
12- " He is a lawyer now . George is a lawyer . All three years he never ever sent a post card to Steve."

Write TWO paragraphs of at least 12 lines on the following topics
1- Tourism as source of national income.
2- Friendship is necessary in our life.
3- No one can live without a friend.
4- The importance of reading in our life.
5- Ways of keeping our environment clean.
6- Computers are used almost everywhere nowadays.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- I last saw him two years ago . ( since )
2- I didn't go out until I had finished my work . ( After )
3- The teacher has asked me many questions . ( been )
4- The government is building new cities . ( being )
5- I helped the girl . The girl's leg was broken . ( whose )
6- He said to me , " I'm sorry for coming late " ( apologised )
7- He said to me , " Why did you leave early yesterday ?" (wanted to know )
8- He never tells the truth . I don't like this about him . ( what )
9- He wants to drink tea . ( feel like )
10- He gave me a friendly treatment ( treated )
11- Revising before exams is important . ( It )
12- The boy had broken the toy . ( been )
13- I'm sure he is ill . ( must )
14- I'm sure he wasn't ill . ( can't )
15- Although he was poor , he was happy . (Despite )
16- He failed because he didn't study hard . ( If )

17- You shouldn't get up late . ( If )
18- The girl will make a cake . ( be )
19- He is poor , so he can't buy a car . ( If )
20- He said , " I didn't break your mobile ." ( denied )
21- The government has built many schools . ( Many schools )
22- We don't go to school in August . ( when )
23-He hasn't studied his lessons yet . ( still )
24- He parked his car in the wrong place . ( shouldn't )
25-My father is reading the paper . ( being ) ………………………………………………………………………….
26- Heba is a sensitive girl . ( who )
27- My father said to me , " What did you spend your money on ?" ( asked )
28-" I won't talk to him again ." ( She refused )
29- " I don't eat ice-cream anymore ." ( stopped )
30- It was her habit to go to work to go to work by bus . ( She )

31- I'm sure he received a prize . ( must )
32- I'm nearly certain that he didn't go to his office . ( can't )
33- I didn't study well so I didn't get high marks . ( If )
34- Playing with fire is dangerous . ( It's ) ………………………………………………………………………….
35- They were enthusiastic while listening to her . ( enthusiasm ) ………………………………………………………………………….
36- He was friendly when he talked to me . ( way ) ………………………………………………………………………….
37- He is a very careless driver . (drives ) ………………………………………………………………………….
38- He is really sensible . I like this about him . ( what ) ………………………………………………………………………….
39- Why don't we have some rest ? ( suggested ) ………………………………………………………………………….
40- " I will help you ." ( He promised ) ………………………………………………………………………….
41- He said , "I'm the cleverest person in the class. " ( He claimed) ………………………………………………………………………….
42- " You must revise regularly. " ( He persuaded me ) ………………………………………………………………………….
43- " Don't shout in the library again. " (He warned me )
44- You should buy Amr Diab's latest album ." (She recommended )
45- The boy is really rude . His father is a doctor . (whose )

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between: Iman and Sarah who has just passed her driving test.

Iman : Hello !
Sarah : Hello !
Iman : You look very happy today, don't you?
Sarah : ...........…......................... I've passed my driving test.
Iman : Are you going to have a car?
Sarah : Yes, my father has bought a new car. He is going to
Iman : That's...........….........................
Sarah : So, would you like to go for a drive?
Iman : Oh yes, I'd love to.
Sarah : Well, we could go to the pyramids
Man : I agree. That's a........................

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between.
Huda and Nadia who has arrived from London.

Huda and Nadia who has arrived from London.
Huda : Hello, Nadia. Welcome back to your homeland....................
Nadia : It was a pleasant flight.
Huda : Was it your first flight?
Nadia : No, ......................................
Huda :......................from London to Cairo.
Nadia ; Five..........................but I broke my journey at Athens.
Huda : Did you travel first class?
Nadia : No, I prefer............................................
Huda : Yes, many passengers prefer economy class as you did.

V. Poetry
Answer the following questions
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster,
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken,
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build them up with worn out tools:

1- Paraphrase the lines from "If
2- Find two comparisons in the stanza.
3- What does the poet advise his son to do in the following lines from "If?
If you can keep your head when all about you.
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too.

1- Paraphrase the lines from "If
2- Find out a figure of speech.
Answer the following questions.

My heart leaps up when I behold.
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die.

1- Paraphrase the lines from "Rainbow".
2- Find out a figure of speech.
3- What's the main idea of the lines?
4- William Wordsworth is a lover of nature. Explain with reference to lines.
5- What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
6- How can the child be father of the man ?

عدل سابقا من قبل Englishgroup في الأربعاء 20 يناير 2010 - 9:53 عدل 1 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

المساهمات : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/01/2010

Revision for the first term Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Revision for the first term   Revision for the first term Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 20 يناير 2010 - 9:44

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- I last saw him two years ago . ( since )
2- I didn't go out until I had finished my work . ( After )
3- The teacher has asked me many questions . ( been )
4- The government is building new cities . ( being )
5- I helped the girl . The girl's leg was broken . ( whose )
6- He said to me , " I'm sorry for coming late " ( apologised )
7- He said to me , " Why did you leave early yesterday ?" (wanted to know )
8- He never tells the truth . I don't like this about him . ( what )
9- He wants to drink tea . ( feel like )
10- He gave me a friendly treatment ( treated )
11- Revising before exams is important . ( It )
12- The boy had broken the toy . ( been )
13- I'm sure he is ill . ( must )
14- I'm sure he wasn't ill . ( can't )
15- Although he was poor , he was happy . (Despite )
16- He failed because he didn't study hard . ( If )
17- You shouldn't get up late . ( If )
18- The girl will make a cake . ( be )
19- He is poor , so he can't buy a car . ( If )
20- He said , " I didn't break your mobile ." ( denied )
21- The government has built many schools . ( Many schools )
22- We don't go to school in August . ( when )
23-He hasn't studied his lessons yet . ( still )
24- He parked his car in the wrong place . ( shouldn't )
25-My father is reading the paper . ( being ) ………………………………………………………………………….
26- Heba is a sensitive girl . ( who )
27- My father said to me , " What did you spend your money on ?" ( asked )
28-" I won't talk to him again ." ( She refused )
29- " I don't eat ice-cream anymore ." ( stopped )
30- It was her habit to go to work to go to work by bus . ( She )

31- I'm sure he received a prize . ( must )
32- I'm nearly certain that he didn't go to his office . ( can't )
33- I didn't study well so I didn't get high marks . ( If )
34- Playing with fire is dangerous . ( It's ) ………………………………………………………………………….
35- They were enthusiastic while listening to her . ( enthusiasm ) ………………………………………………………………………….
36- He was friendly when he talked to me . ( way ) ………………………………………………………………………….
37- He is a very careless driver . (drives ) ………………………………………………………………………….
38- He is really sensible . I like this about him . ( what ) ………………………………………………………………………….
39- Why don't we have some rest ? ( suggested ) ………………………………………………………………………….
40- " I will help you ." ( He promised ) ………………………………………………………………………….
41- He said , "I'm the cleverest person in the class. " ( He claimed) ………………………………………………………………………….
42- " You must revise regularly. " ( He persuaded me ) ………………………………………………………………………….
43- " Don't shout in the library again. " (He warned me )
44- You should buy Amr Diab's latest album ." (She recommended )
45- The boy is really rude . His father is a doctor . (whose )

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between: Iman and Sarah who has just passed her driving test.

Iman : Hello !
Sarah : Hello !
Iman : You look very happy today, don't you?
Sarah : ...........…......................... I've passed my driving test.
Iman : Are you going to have a car?
Sarah : Yes, my father has bought a new car. He is going to
Iman : That's...........….........................
Sarah : So, would you like to go for a drive?
Iman : Oh yes, I'd love to.
Sarah : Well, we could go to the pyramids
Man : I agree. That's a........................

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between.
Huda and Nadia who has arrived from London.

Huda and Nadia who has arrived from London.
Huda : Hello, Nadia. Welcome back to your homeland....................
Nadia : It was a pleasant flight.
Huda : Was it your first flight?
Nadia : No, ......................................
Huda :......................from London to Cairo.
Nadia ; Five..........................but I broke my journey at Athens.
Huda : Did you travel first class?
Nadia : No, I prefer............................................
Huda : Yes, many passengers prefer economy class as you did.

V. Poetry
Answer the following questions.
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster,
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken,
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build them up with worn out tools:

1- Paraphrase the lines from "If
2- Find two comparisons in the stanza.
3- What does the poet advise his son to do in the following lines from "If?

If you can keep your head when all about you.
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too.

1- Paraphrase the lines from "If
2- Find out a figure of speech.
Answer the following questions.
My heart leaps up when I behold.
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die.

1- Paraphrase the lines from "Rainbow".
2- Find out a figure of speech.
3- What's the main idea of the lines?
4- William Wordsworth is a lover of nature. Explain with reference to lines.
5- What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
6- How can the child be father of the man ?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Revision for the first term
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Revision for the first term for prep 3
» Revision for first and second prep of first term
» Revision for first and second and third prep of first term
» Revision for first and second prep

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