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 Revision for first and second prep

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Revision for first and second prep Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Revision for first and second prep   Revision for first and second prep Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 20 يناير 2010 - 15:00

Choose the correct answer :
I don’t like ………………. much homework .
(looking – making- doing- seeing )
……………… don’t eat meat .
(Protesters - Vegetarians – Journalist - Locals )
I like to ……………….a cold shower.
(fit – do – keep – have )
She deals with money . She is a ………….. dealer .
(financial – shepherd – stressful – peaceful )
I enjoy ……………. to music.
(listen – listens – listened - listening)
How often do you ………….exercise?
(make - do – have – get )
Who are the people who suffer ……………… stress ?
(from – of – by – with )
The room is untidy . It is in a real ……………… .
( escape – cage – empty – mess )
The cage is …………….. . Nothing is inside it .
(empty – stress – feed – incredible )
………………. are people who travel to space .
(Explorers – Professionals – Pilots – Astronauts )
11 – A ............ gets paid to play .
(photographer – amateur – professional – scientist )
12 – I was sleeping when the phone ................
(ring – rang – ringing – rung ).
13 – He can solve any problem . He is ………………….. .
(violent – calm – intelligent - brave )
( 1 )
14 - A white ………………. Killed Martin Luther king .
(extremist – pacifist – independent – slave )
15 - Messi is a ……………. Player . He is voted the best player in the world .
(carless – overrated – weak – brilliant )
16 – Either I go to the cinema or to the club . I like both ........ .
( alternatives – camps- protest – creative )
17 – Problems with people can cause …………………. .
(relaxation – creation – stress – laziness )
18 – Have you ……………… your Exams ?
(pass –passing – passed –passes )
19- The ……………….. a frightening snake .
(python – parrot – iguana – alligator )
20 – Afire fighter is a person ………………. puts out fire .
(which – whose – who – where )
21 – I go …………… every weekend.
(swimming – swim – swims- swam )
22 – He loves his country very much . He is ………………. .
(incredible – creative – stressful – patriotic )
23 – I am a biologist . I ………………. Jobs and check on the experiments .
(do – make – play – put )
( 2 )
24 – The astronauts went to space in a ………………………………. .
(spaceman – shuttle – crew – planet )
25 – Astronauts ………………. repairs to the station .
( go – do – keep – take )
26 - I have worked in this factory …………….. two years.
(since – for – ago – yet )
27 –My sister usually …………………. T.V in the evening .
(watch – watching – watches – is watching )
28 – She never ……..…late.
(sleeps – sleeping – sleep – is sleeping )
29 – Have you ………………….travelled to America ?
(ever – never – just – yet )
30- I ……………………my dinner yet .
( have eaten – hasn’t eaten – haven’t eaten – ate )
31 – When you are …………….. to the poor , you draw a smile on their faces.
(rude – dishonest – lazy – generous )
32 – He always fights with people without any reason . He is very........... .
(polite – intelligent – sensitive –aggressive )
33- He always talks about himself thinking he is the best in the world . He is ............ .
(sensitive – romantic – arrogant – violent )
( 3 )
35- The bus drivers held a peaceful …………. asking for an increase in their salaries .
(violent – protest – freedom – equal )
36 - Winning the African cup was a …………………for all Egyptians.
(boycott – protest – violence –victory )
37- Ghandi was a ……………… .He believed that all wars were wrong
(Slavery – racism – peace – pacifist )
38 –All people of the world should campaign against............
(peace – racism – freedom – human rights )
39- Aliaa is interested ………………..collecting stamps.
(on – in – at – with )
40- Tom …………………. in Egypt since the beginning of the year .
(is – was – have been – has been )
41- Our team hasn’t won ……….……….last January .
(for – in – on – since )
42- Kenya has ……………..the record of the 100m race for running .
(taken – done – broken – given )
43-He is always happy with his life . He is …………………………
(issue – optimistic – disaster – charity )

( 4 )
44- Ramadan is a very …………………… period . Muslims pray a lot during this month .
( social – cultural – traditional – religious )

45- When you graduate from your university ,You get a ............
(medal – champion – certificate – festival )
46-The ……………was very happy when he won the golden medal .
(relative – champion – graduate – whisper )
47- The wedding …………………….was held in a big hotel .
(festival – visitor – ceremony – picnic )
48- This shirt is a good ............ It is only 20 pounds .
(bargain – customer – advert – wage )
49 – The room .............................. last week .
( cleaned – was cleaned – cleaning – clean )

( 5 )

Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets to give the same meaning

I have worked in this office for six years . { Since }

He doesn’t go to school late . { never}

I don’t want to eat fish . {I can’t stand }

Ahmed is a pilot . He flies planes . {who }

He travels a lot . { He enjoys }

I don’t watch football matches . { never}

She has already ironed the shirt . { ago}

He has just bought a new shirt . { ago }

When her father arrived ,she was having her lunch . { While}

( 6 )

When I returned home , my sister was watering the plant { Just as}

When the phone rang , I was sleeping. { While } …………………………………………………………………………………………….
The last time I saw him was a year ago . . { since}


While he was watching T.V, the light went off. { When} .

I last played basket ball last week . { since}

It is necessary for her to study hard before the exams . {She } ………………………………………………………………………………………………

It isn’t necessary for you to get up early. { don’t have to} …………………………………………………………………………………………….

He phoned his friend a minute ago . { just}

I did all my jobs. { already }

I opened the window a moment ago . {just }

She is a nurse . She looks after sick people . { who }

( 7 )

I advise you to stop smoking . { should }

The last time I went to the club was a month ago . {since}

I have just mended the car . { ago }

During lunch , I had a telephone call . { while }

I last watched the a match two weeks ago . { haven’t } ……………………………………………………………………………………............
She hasn’t read the paper for a week . { since }
27 – It is not necessary for you to come on time . { You }
28 – He doesn’t speak in the library . { never }

( 8 )

1 – The importance of computers in our life .

2 – Reading

3 – Favorite subjects

4 –What would you like to be when you grow up ?

5 –Gardens and parks .

6 – The character you admire most .

7 – School shouldn’t close their doors in summer . School activities in summer .

8 – A weeding party .

9 – A place you know which is worth visiting .

10 – Favorite hobby

( )


Supply the missing partsin the following dialogue :
Ali : How are you Ramy ?
Ramy : ____________________
Ali : What _______________ ?
Ramy : I’m studying English now .
Ali : Do __________________?
Ramy : Yes , we will have an English test tomorrow .
Ali : ______________________ ?
Ramy : Yes , I like English very much .
Ali : ________________________ ?
Ramy : Mr. Ahmed teaches us English this year.

Supply the missing parts n the following dialogue

Fady : I think I ’d better not go out tonight .
Samy : _____________________________
Fady : I have an English homework to do .
Samy : _____________________________ ?
Fady : I don’t know how long it will take .
Samy : ______________________________ ?
Fady : I have three exercises to do .
Samy : can I help you ?
Fady : Thank you , I can do it myself .
Samy : _____________________________ ?
Fady : They are quite easy .
Samy : Hurry up . if you finish early we ______________
Fady : That’s a good idea .

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue

Magdi and Farid met after Farid had returned from Alex :
Magdi : Hello , Farid . Nice to see you .
Farid : _________________________ ?
Magdi : ________________________ ?
Farid : I ’ve been to Alex .
Magdi : ________________________ ?
Farid : for two weeks .
Magdi : ________________________?
Farid : Yes , I enjoyed it very much I ’m going to go again after two weeks
__________________________________________ ?
Magdi : Certainly I ’d love to .

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue

Laila : You know , Samia , my birthday is next Monday .
Samia : Really ? _____________________________ ?
Laila : Thirteen , I ’ll be giving a birthday party .
Are you free on that day ?
Samia : Any way ________________________
Laila : I ’m glad you can come .
Samia : ________________________________
Laila : Only some of our closest friends .
Samia : ________________________________?
Laila : Thank you I really need you to ________________
Samia : Certainly I can take you now to a wonderful shop to buy one .


You have studied “ Day “
1 – Write the first stanza of the poem .

2 – Paraphrase the lines .

3 – Write the rhyme scheme .

You have studied “ Tiger”

1 – Write the first stanza of the poem .

2 – Paraphrase the lines .

3 – Write the rhyme scheme .


( The Day )
“ I ’m busy “ said the sea
Complete the missing lines .

Write the rhyme scheme
C ) Pick out one figure of speech .
d) Paraphrase this stanza.

( The Tiger )
Tiger ! Tiger ! Burning bright
a)Complete the missing lines .

b) Write the rhyme scheme

c) Pick out one figure of speech .

d)Paraphrase these lines .

( 10 )

The woman who disappeared
1 – What was Lenny Samuel’s job ?

2 – What did Lenny Samuel think the visitor was ?

3 – What help did Helen want from Lenny Samuel ?

4 – How did Helen discover that her sister disappeared ?

5 – Why did not Helen report the police about her sister´s disappearance ?

6 – “ I don’t want any trouble with the police . I just want you to help find my sister “ Comment.
7– Why did Lenny refuse to take his gun with him when he went to Elaine’s apartment ?

8 – How did Lenny open the door of Elaine’s apartment?

9- “ People who disappear don’t usually take most of their clothes with them Comment
10– What did Lenny notice about Elaine’s apartment?
( 11 )

11– What did Lenny do before leaving Elaine’s apartment?

12 – Why did Lenny wipe everything he had touched at Elaine’s apartment?

13 –What happened to Lenny at Elaine’s apartment?

14- “ If you don’t forget all about Elaine , we will hurt you a lot more “
15– What strange telephone call did Lenny receive?

16 – What argument did Suzy and Elaine have ?

17 – How did Lenny make sure that the dead man was Benny Greep ?

18– Why was Lenny Samuel arrested ?

19– A lot of misfortunes happened to Lenny since he had met Helen . (Discuss)

20 –“ I hate all private detectives and you are the private detectives that I hate the most “ Comment .

( 12 )

21– Why did sergeant Murphy let Lenny go out of the police station?

22– Why did Lenny Samuel want to go the Manson Building again?

23– “People who disappear don’t usually take most of their clothes with them “ Comment
24 – “If you don’t forget all about Elaine , we will hurt you a lot more “

25 – “ I must see you urgently . Meet me at Las Cabanas at 11 : 30 tonight “

( 13 )

The Tempest

1 – Where did Prospero and his daughter live ?

2 – What art was Prospero interested in ?

3 – How did he make use of this art ?

4 – Why did Sycorax shut the spirits up in trees ?

5 – Why were the spirits obedient to prospero ?

6 – Who was Ariel ?

7 – Why did Prospero order Ariel to raise the tempest ?

8– –“ If by your art you have raised this dreadful storm , have pity on their sad trouble “ Comment .

9 – “ Be not troubled , there is no harm done “ Comment

( 14 )
10 – How was Antonio a wicked brother ?

11 – How were Prospero and his daughter saved ?

12 - What was Prospero’s promise to Ariel ?

13– Why did Prospero order Ariel to bring Ferdinand to the cave ?

14– Why did Prospero pretend to be angry with Ferdinand ?

15 – How did Miranda disobey her father’s commands ?

16– What did Prospero do with his books of magic in the end ?

17– What made Ariel happy in the end ?

18– What was the happy ending of the play ?

19 –“ If by your art you have raised this dreadful storm , have pity on their sad trouble “ Comment .

20 – “ Be not troubled , there is no harm done “ Comment
21 – “ No more of that , let us not remember our troubles past , since they so happily have ended “ Comment
( 15 )

Choose the correct answer
1 – Hi , Ahmed ! long time , ( no see – no seeing – not see – not to see ) .
2 – You can go and ( fit in – join in – settle in – bond with ) .If you feel like playing
3 – I've played the piano ( when – since – just – for ) I was eight .
4 – My mother ( likes – prefers – thinks – loves ) shopping to watching football .
5 – I can´t ( tell – say – speak – talk ) the difference between this film and the previous one .
6 – I 've got a job interview this afternoon , so I need to ( say a prayer – say it again – tell a joke – tell the time ) .
7 – You have to ( say – speak – tell – talk ) sorry for shouting at him .
8 – I haven’t had breakfast ( ago – yet – still – just ) .
9 – Please don’t ( fall out – stand by – get on well – let me down ) I want you to go with me .
10 – She’s a good ( employee – employer – trainee – unemployed ) and I like working for her .
11 – I was sad when I heard that his parents ( broke up – look up – turn up – meet up ) , after 20 years together .
12 - Sami really feels left ( out – up – in – away ) because he can’t swim .
13 – Please speak loudly , my grandmother is a little ( blind – old – deaf – dumb )
14 – We could ( look – meet – break – turn ) up this weekend , if you like .
15 – You should always ( tell – say – talk – speak ) the truth and never lie .
16 – My Dad hates ( thinking about – bumping into – revising for – arguing with ) people . She is often quiet and calm .
( 1 )
17 – Just try to ( avoid – make – talk – sign ) eye contact if you don’t want to talk to them .
18 – ( An employer – A trainee – An employee –A Sales person ) is someone who is learning the skills of a new job .
19 – When you go on a ( flight – cruise – journey – tour ) , you spend our holiday on a large ship .
20 – Go and wait in the departure ( room – lounge – platform – terminal ) .
21 – ( IF – As soon as – Until – Unless ) you see David , don’t tell him anything .
22 – We arrived ( in – at – to – on ) New York late at night , and the streets were still busy .
23 – During our holiday , we went ( in – to – with – on ) a trip to a new place everyday .
24 – How was your business ( travel – journey – trip – picnic ) to Bahrain ?
25 – I will come and meet you at the station ( as soon as – until – as – while ) you call me .
26 – I hope to see you again soon , bye and take ( care – mind – worry – cave ) .
27 – After I ( has watched – watching – had watched – watched ) the film , I went to bed .
28 – I don’t want to be late because my father will tell me ( off – on – out – up ) .
29 – She decided to ( work – resign – apply – train ) of her job as her boss is cruel .
30 – Computers can help people who have ( disability – reliabilities – possibilities – probabilities) .
31 – All people ( bond with – fit in – joined in – applied for ) and were happy in the party . ( 2 )
32 – A lot of people have an internet ( access – axes – axis – excess ) .
33 – Don’t argue ( by – to – in – with ) your father .
34 – He felt bored and ( resigned – un employed – trained – applied ) from his job
35 – He doesn’t work all the time . He has a ( full time job – part time job –resign qualification ) .
36 – I waited for him but he didn’t (look up – break up – stand up – turn up ) .
37 – He applied ( from – at – for – to ) a job .
38 – Boys ( tend to – ought to – solo – force ) play sports more than girls .
39 – I found it hard to ( join in – fit in – bond with – feel left out ) at my new work
40 – It´s common (to - for - over – at) teenagers to have mobiles .
41 – Can you ( say – do – tell – get ) the difference between the twins ?
42 – He always goes to work ( in – off – on – at ) his car .
43 – He is a good friend . He never ( gets – lets – makes – puts ) him down .
44 – You should check ( on – at – by – in ) before the flight .
45 – ( Qualifications – Resign – Application – Applied ) are official records showing a person has skills .
46 – we ( will have – are having – had – likely to have ) a surprise party for our teacher on Monday next week .
47 – I haven't found a job yet so I’m still ( employed – employee – employer – unemployed ) .
48 - Let's meet ( with – in – up – in ) later in the week I haven't seen you for ages
49 – Maria is my best friend , she always ( tells on – stands by – sticks up – falls out ) for me . ( 3 )
50 – Can you guess who I ( turned – bumped – met – headed ) into yesterday ?
51 – More and more people ( are learning – learn – are being learnt – learnt ) English these days .
52 – As soon as I finish work , I (go – went – will go – going ) to bed .
53 – My uncle arrived ( in – on – at – about ) Cairo at seven o´clock .
54 – He fell ( on – over – in – out ) with his friend .
55 – You should always tell the truth even if you ( tell – tell on – tell by – tell nothing ) your friend .


19 – The moment I saw the thief , I telephoned the police . ( as soon as )
20 – The teacher has answered the questions . ( been )
Bed in summer
In winter ,I get up at night
I have to go to bed by day .
a) Complete the missing lines
b) Write the rhyme scheme
c)Find the figure of speech
d)Paraphrase the lines
The sun descending in the west
And I must seek for mine.
a) Complete the missing lines
b) Write the rhyme scheme
c)Find the figure of speech
d)Paraphrase the lines

( 5 )

The winter's Tale
1-Who was Leontes ?
2-Who was Polixenes?
3-Why did Leontes get jealous?
4-What did Leontes ask Camillo to do?
5-Prove that Camillo was kind and faithful.
6-Why did Leontes send Cleomenes and Dion to the oracle?
7-“ My poor little prisoner , I have done as little wrong as you have” comment
8-Who was Paulina ?
9-What was her plan?
10- Who was Antigonus ?
11-What order did Leontes give him ?
12- Why did Paulina take Hermione´s newly . born baby to Leontes ?
13- Show that Camillo was completely different from Antigonus .
14 – What answer did Cleomenes and Dion bring back from Delohos ?
15 – How was Mamilliius affected by his mother's trial ?
16 – What was the effect of Mamillius's death on both Hermione and Leontes ?
17 – Where did Antigonus leave the baby ?
18 – How did Antigonus meet his end ?
19 – Who found the little girl ?
20 – What did he do with the girl´s jewels ?
21 – Who was Florizel ?
22 – Why did he change his name ?
23 – “ This is the prettiest low – born girl I have ever seen “ Comment
24 – Why did the shepherd come to think that Perdita was Leontes’s daughter ?
25- What plan did Camillo suggest to help Perdita and Florizel ?
26- How was it proved that Perdita was the daughter of Leontes ?
27-Why did Paulina keep Hermione at her house ?
28-“I can make the statue move from it stands and take you by the hand “
29”She shall bring him what he doesn’t dream of “ comment.
30-Prove that Camillo and Paulina were very kind and faithful .

( 7)

The call of the wild
1 – Describe Buck .
2 – How was Buck's life with Judge Miller ?
3 – Why did Manuel kidnap Buck ?
4 –How was Buck kidnapped ?
5 – Why did Buck bite the big man?
6– What did Buck learn from Morgan ?
7– “ Now , Buck you know who is the master here “ Comment
8 –Why could not Buck hurt Morgan?
9– Who bought Buck ?
10 – For how much was Buck bought ?
11 – What was Buck´s work ? Did Buck like it at first ?why ?
12– What did Buck swear to himself?
13 – Why did Buck hate Spitz?
1 4– Who bought Buck ?
15– “( Once down on the ground you were finished )” Discuss
16– What happened to Curly ?
17 – Who was Solleks? What does it mean?
18–Write short notes about Curly , Pike , Spitz ,Dave , Sollex and Dub ?
19– What does Buck learn from Curly's death ?
20– What does Buck do when he gets cold ?
21 –– How were Solleks and Dave different at work?
22- “ See Buck ! He one intelligent dog . Learn everything “ Comment
23 – Why did Perrault say that they were the best team ?
24 - How many dogs made a dog team?
25 – What made Buck proud of himself ?
26- Why was Buck always hungry?
27– What did Buck learn from hunger?
28 – How was Buck the sled dog different from Buck the pet dog?
29 – “He is a dirty thief “Comment
30–– Who invaded the camp and what was the loss caused ?
31– Why was Buck avoiding Spitz ?
32–Why did Buck decide to fight Spitz ?
33– How did Dolly die ? why ?

( 9 )
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Revision for first and second prep
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» Revision for third prep
» Revision for the first term for prep 3
» Revision for first and second prep of first term
» Revision for first and second and third prep of first term
» Revision for the first term

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