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 Revision for third prep

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Revision for third prep Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Revision for third prep   Revision for third prep Icon_minitimeالأربعاء 20 يناير 2010 - 15:04

Choose the right words
1- He doesn't like to talk to people . He suffers from …………..
( slave – Autism – memories – mute )
2- My mother is the ………….. of the family .
( brain – mind - minds – brains )
3- I haven't decided what to do yet . I'm …………..
( brain storm – in two minds – make up your mind- brain child )
4- I know what you are thinking of . I can ………….. your mind .
( speak – keep – pick - read )
5- Don't be shy ………….. your mind
(speak – keep – pick – read )
6- I always ………….. a lot of ideas before writing an English-composition.
( brain child – brain wave – brain storm- -brain )
7- I don't want to go to the party . I …………..
( slipped my mind – read your mind – kept it in mind – changed my mind )
8- I built the machine . But it was Steve who had the idea . It's his …………..
( brain wave – brain child - brain storm – brains )
9- I've had a ………….. why don't we give Mostafa a ring and go to the cinema ?
( brains – brain child – brain wave – brain storm )
10- Why don't you pick your sister ………….. She's good at English ?
( mind – brains – mind – child )
11- At the age of three , she was ………….. she couldn't speak .
(mystery – mute – perform –challenge )
12- When was your last ………….. ?
(check in –check up – check out – check down )
13- A ………….. is a person who operates on patients .
( doctor – dentist – surgeon – painkiller )
14- My parents are always talking about the past . They are …………..
( nostalgic – guilty –jealous – sorry )
15 – People who work abroad for a long time . They are …………
(panicky – nostalgic – jealous – homesick )
16- He is always afraid of high buildings . He is……………….
( panicky – confident – jealous – inattentive )
17- He always forgets to take his sunglasses . He is …………..
( homesick – absent minded – nostalgic – guilty )
18- A lot of research ………….. on cancer .
( has done – was done – were done – have been done )
19- The player was given a red card . The referee …………..
( sent him off – put him off – took him off – got him on )
20- Football is played in a …………..
(court – pitch – course – ring )
21- Tennis is played in a …………..
(court – pitch – course – ring )
22- The boxer gave his opponent a strong blow . He threw him out of the ……….
( rink – ring – court –course )
23- Ice Hockey is played in a …………..
( rink – ring – court –course )
24- Peter is the man ………….. father rescued us last month .
(who – whose – where – which )
25- I think you should ………….. and go on holiday .
( take your time – take time off – give hard time – spend time on )
26- I'm not in a hurry , …………..
( waste your time – run out of time – take your time –time off )
27- Look at the clock . I'm not late . I'm exactly ………….. time
( in – on –out of – at )
28- He refused ………….. for his ticket .
( paying – to paying – to pay – paying )
29- The teacher ………….. her to join the competition
( encouraged – suggested – claimed – refused )
30- He is always losing and forgetting things . He is …………..
(sympathetic – pushy – bubbly – scatty)
31- Don't be so ………….. and behave yourself .
( checky – careless – intellectual- smug )
32- He goes to the gym every day . He is a really …………..
( bubbly – careless – shallow- scruffy )
33- They organized the party ………….. secret.
( on – in – for – by )
34- All my friends were very ………….. when they heard about my accident .
( sympathetic – smug – charmed – scatty )

35- Jamal's really happy to be with James . He finds him quite …………..
( shallow - charming – pushy – cheeky )
36- I love reading , and my friends know it . They often say I'm the ………….. type
( hypocritical – bubby – smug – intellectual )
37- She is really clever and she always gets the highest marks but I wish she wasn't so ………………
( smug – bubbly – witty – intelligent )
38- His speech made everyone laugh and we all liked what he said . He is such a ……………. person .
( witty – pushy – pretentious – scatty )
39- He knows a great deal about art , but he's never ………….. about it .
( sympathetic – pretentious – scatty – scruffy )
40- The shop assistant was so ………….. She tried to make us buy things we didn't want .
( pushy – intellectual - shallow - hypocritical )
41- He's the most ………….. person I know . He always tells others what they shouldn't eat , but he eats lots of junk food himself .
( intellectual – smug- sympathetic – hypocritical )
42- She nearly stopped ………….. altogether
( swim – swam – swimming – to swim )
43- I ………….. feed my cat every morning .
( use to – use – used to – am using )
44- I did my homework ………….. difficulty .
( in – on – with – by )
45- When you do a job , you shouldn't do it …………..
( properly – struggled – half-heartedly - lengths )
46- It's ………….. to listen to her ideas .
( interested – uninterested – interest – interesting )
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Revision for third prep
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 مواضيع مماثلة
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» Revision for the first term for prep 3
» Revision for first and second prep of first term
» Revision for first and second and third prep of first term
» Revision for the first term

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